Wednesday, October 1, 2014

It Begins

Hello there. So I decided to make a new blog. With any luck and dedication, this will be my quintessential art blog!

I still have my DeviantArt account (which is inactive), but I think of DA's format as more of a gallery, suited to finished works and not daily WIP updates. My portfolio website, which I plan to publish in 2015, will also be a gallery/showcase, of course. This leaves me in need of an art blog... and here it is! Now remember, this blog will be full of WIPs (works in progress), sketches, and unfinished work... so it may get ugly. :P But, progress pictures can be very informative and fun to look at. If I have the extra time, I might write about my processes as well. As you can see, I tend to write on a lot...

Anyway, onto the current project. I am currently taking Thesis I in my Game Art course. For this project, every student must model 2 characters and 1 game level based on concept art we find online. We must also create a game cut-scene/video showing it all off, as well as a thesis paper and pdf file with all of our work.

For the coming months, I will be updating this blog with my thesis work. (This makes it a lot easier to show to friends who want to see what I'm doing... no more random Imgur links, haha.) I don't know yet if I will mix other art that I do into this, or if I want to keep it thesis-only for now. I'll decide as it starts to move along. Even though I have a month's worth of work finished already, I will be staggering my posts to update only once every 1 or 2 days. This is in attempt to make a habit of posting here...

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